kinds of Funny Chinese Slogans | miscellaneous sources: Collecting from internet + original Shooting

The young man's dismembered body


The young man's dismembered body.

birth control


birth control slogans in government policies from James jsWong in old years. One is wonderful, two are good, and three cannot afford, and four is fallen into hopeless straits

bitter life in your old age


One's children should keep one in comfort in one's old age. on the other hand, you will be bitter when you are in your old age if you have so many children who you cannot bring up.

spitting against windows


You can not just spit wherever you like. if you really want to do on a bus, spitting against windows pls. it's a good way to improve individual comprehensive quality and capability. via

Traffic Safety


going well up to bridle is not running the red light. how many lifes to running the red light? this instruction slogan is located on Tian-di-tan street in Jinan


sorry for no updating


sorry for no updating! GFW is blocked me to update this blog. I use Tor to connect the website and will continues to post more interesting Chinese slogans for you.

Good lucky!